Every sample we receive and every test we perform is for YOU our client. We send the results where you direct us, and only to who you direct us.
Why is this important? Frankly, I don't know. BUT YOU DO!!!!!! If you ever need us to discuss your report with your partner, your mom, the guy down the hall, your boss or the mailman, we are happy to do that. But ONLY when you give your explicit permission.
There are two reason I mention this. One is to give you comfort that your work with us IS CONFIDENTIAL.
The other is so that you understand that stories I tell in the future will never reveal the client, or even sufficient information for an astute observe to suspect who the client is. I promise you that I will only tell real stories with real issues. Some of those storie you may find sensational. But all will be about circumstance that actually exist in the world.
So make sure if you hire a Laboratory to work for you that their fiduciary responsibility is to you and you alone.
I hope you find the this column valuable. I look forward to you comments.
All the best
Greg Aldrich
ETR Laboratories
(978) 840-2941