Tuesday, May 12, 2015

So you want to know more!!!

You know you need your water tested, but what testing should you do? You've read some things. You have analyze the parameter of different tests. Your still not clear what which testing to order for your circumstance! Wha do you do now?  How do you make a decision?

OR . . . . .

Now you have your report.  All those numbers.  Let's face it there is a reason you didn't take and/or understand chemistry in high school.

So now what?  You may be a person who is very concerned about the water and think the results you have raise huge red flags.  We can let you know the real significance.

On the other hand you may say, hmm . . . nothing serious here.   Maybe that is true, but maybe there is a picture we see that suggest potential or real issues.

Give us a call. Our staff is well trained to understand which testing will best suite each circumstance.  And when the report is done we have experience working with thousands of client so they can understand the real  significance of the big picture your testing reveals.

Our experience is that each test is like a your portrait.  It tells a very specific story about the circumstances as they apply to your well water.  There are many examples, but just one example so you can understand how we look at the big picture.

Let's say you have elevated level of sodium, potassium, and/or chloride in you water.  Not necessarily beyond recommended level, but higher than common.  If you have a water softener and the elevation is in the parameters consistent with the salt you are adding to recharge your softener, then there probably is not issue.

On the other hand if you do not have a softener or you are using potassium chloride in your softener, but the levels of sodium, for example, are higher than typically seen, then there is the suggestion of surface water leaking road salt or similar into your well.

The road salt itself is not a huge issue, but the fact that surface water is getting into your well can be a concern.  Frequently a subtle little thing like this reveals the potential for larger issues before they become a big concern.

We believe every client is entitled to a discussion of each report.  We hope that you will consider that as you choose a lab and the level of analysis that you order.

All the best

Greg Aldrich
ETR Laboratories
(978) 840-2941